среда, 25 мая 2022 г.

26.05.2022г. Задание для 2 курса ПСА

 The US Court System

The courts are the overseers of the law. They administer it, they resolve disputes undef it, and they ensure that it is and remains equal and impartial for everyone.

In (he United States each state is served by the separate court systems, state and federal. Both systems are organized into three basic levels of courts-trial courts, intermediate courts of appeal and a high court, or Supreme Court. The state courts are concerned essentially with cases arising under state law, and the federal courts with cases arising under federal law.

Trial courts bear the main burden in the administration of justice. Cases begin there and in most instances are finally resolved there. The trial courts in each state include: common pleas courts, which have general civil and criminal jurisdiction and smaller in importance municipal courts, county courts and mayors' courts.

The common pleas court is the most important of the trial courts. It is the court of general jurisdiction — almost any civil or criminal case, serious or minor, may first be brought there. In criminal matters, the common pleas courts have exclusive jurisdiction over felonies (a felony is a serious crime for which the penalty is a penitentiary term or death). In civil matters it has exclusive jurisdiction in probate, domestic relations and juvenile matters. The probate division deals with wills and the administration of estates, adoptions, guardianships. It grants marriage licenses to perform marriages. The domestic division deals with divorce, alimony, child custody.

The juvenile division has jurisdiction over delinquent, unruly or neglected children and over adults, who neglect, abuse or contribute lo the delinquency of children. When a juvenile (any person under 18} is accused of an offence, whether serious or minor, the juvenile division has exclusive jurisdiction over the case.

The main job of courts of appeal is to review cases appealed from trial courts to determine if the law was correctly interpreted and applied.

The supreme court of each state is primarily a court of appeal and the court of last resort.

The federal court structure is similar to the structure of the state court system. The trial courts in the federal system are the United States district courts. The United States courts of appeal are intermediate courts of appeal between the district courts and the United States Supreme Court.

The US Supreme Court is the highest court in the nation and the court of last resort. It consists of a chief justice and eight associate justices, all of whom are appointed for life by the President with the Advice and Consent of the Senate. The duty of the Supreme Court is to decide whether laws passed by Congress agree with the Constitution. The great legal issues facing the Supreme Court at present are Government involvement with religion, abortion and privacy rights, race and sex discrimination.

EXERCISE I. Answer the following questions;

1. What is the dual court system existing in the USA? What

three levels of courts does it consist of?

2. What is the jurisdiction of the trial court? Define the

jurisdiction of the common pleas court.

3. What kind of civil matters are brought to common pleas

courts? Elaborate on probate, domestic relation and juvenile


4. Speak about the jurisdiction of state and federal courts of

appeals and state supreme courts. 5. What is the duty of the US Supreme Court?

EXERCISE II. Summarize the text in 3 paragraphs, specifying the following:

1) the dual system of US courts;

2} trial courts — courts of general jurisdiction;

3) the US Supreme Court — the court judging the most explosive issues in American life

Vocabulary. Study these words and word combinations:

1. judicial— судебный

2. to administerjustice — отправлять правосудие

3. a court of first / second instance — суд первой / второй


4. to examine a case in substance — рассматривать дело по


5.to bring in a sentence / a decision, a judgement /

вынести приговор /решение/

6. an appeal — жалоба

7. a protest — протест

8. a case of major importance — более важное дело

9. the power of supervision over — право надзора над...

10. a collegial — коллегия

11. to be subject to removal — подлежать отзыву

12. an assessor — заседатель

13. to sit (sat) — заседать в суде

14. (average) earnings — (средний) заработок

15. to receive — получать

16. in public — открыто

17. proceedings— судопроизводство

18.oral — здесь: гласный

19. a participant — участник

20. a prosecutor —обвинитель

21. an accused — обвиняемый

22. a de` fendant — ответчик

23. defense — защита

EXERCISE III. Read and translate the following words:

to act (поступать, действовать) — an act; just (справедливый) — justice;

basis (основа) —basic; to guide (руководить)—guidance; to instruct — instruction;

to try (рассматривать дело) — trial (суд); present (присутствующий) — presence; interest — interested (причастие).

EXERCISE IV. Match up these lines:

1. a criminal case зал судебных заседаний

2. higher courts Верховный Суд

3. a civil case государственная власть

4. court practice открыто

5. state power вышестоящие суды

6. in public уголовное дело

7. courtroom гражданское дело

8. the Supreme Court судебная практик

The system of court in the United States

The judicial branch has the responsibility of judging the constitutionality of acts of law. According to Article 3 of the Constitution “the judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one Supreme Court and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish”.

There are about 100 Federal courts throughout the country, final authority resting in the United States Supreme Court.

The US Supreme Court is the highest tribunal in the United States. It includes a Chief Justice and eight associate justices. They are all appointed by the Senate.

Under the Constitution the Supreme Court has original jurisdiction (i.e., it is the court in which proceeding may be brought in the first instance) in case affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and cases in which a state is a party. In all other cases coming within the judicial power of the United States, the Supreme Court’s jurisdiction is only appellate, and is subject to exceptions and regulations by Congress.

The Supreme Court cannot alter the Constitution. The Court’s function is to interpret the Constitution, but not to alter or modify it.

Besides the US Supreme Court there are various other Federal courts, including the district courts and courts of appeals.

The Courts of Appeals were organized to relieve the Supreme Court of pressure resulting from the accumulation of appellate cases. In general these courts have final jurisdiction over the great masses of litigation not involving constitutional cases. The district court is the only Federal court where trials are used, and witnesses are called. Each state has at least one district court; a few has as many as four. District courts are also found in Washington, D.C., and the territories of Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, and the Panama Canal Zone. Each court has from one to twenty four judges, depending on the volume of business, but each judge holds court separately. In most states the lowest courts are the magistrate courts or police courts, where the judge or magistrate can send a drunk to jail for 30 days, or fine a motorist for speeding, without the aid of jury. Some of the states have special traffic courts, probate courts, or other special courts among their courts of small claims. The magistrate may also have authority to receive a man accused of murder and decide whether to hold him for trial in a higher court.

Задание 1. Переведите предложения на русский язык и определите степени сравнения прилагательных:


1. The U.S Supreme Court is the highest tribunal in the United States.

2. The Federal courts and the regulating agencies that act somewhat like courts, apply the law to particular cases; but they do far more than that.

3. А Court of Appeals accepts the facts sent up to it by the lower courts.

4. The inferior courts in the federal system have somewhat less political importance, since their principal duty is to settle routine cases.

5. The most common type of law court in England and Wales is the magistrate court.

6. More serious criminal cases then go to the Crown Court which has 90 branches in different towns and cities.

7. Appeals are heard by higher courts.

8. One of the most important duties of the Supreme Court Justices is to decide whether laws passed by the Congress agree with the Constitution.

9. To my mind, the least serious punishment for crimes here is the probation.

10. The most important categories of crime in England and the United States are felony and misdemeanor.


Задание 2. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод неопределенных местоимений:

1. Some of the State law is found in the state constitution and the status is passed by legislature.

2. A genera trial court in the states sometime called a district court.

3. Thus, as a price for obtaining testimony of a witness, the accused with means.

4. In any election year only one third of the senate is affected.

5. We know something interesting that can be useful for investigation of the treason.

6. In England felony (any of the more serious crimes such as murder, rape, arson) is punishable in the same way as misdemeanor.

7. In some states the warrant may be executed only in the county of the court issuing the warrant.

8. Police discipline codes are designed to prevent any abuse of the considerable power enjoyed by a police officer.

9. Anyone accused of a crime, except murder or treason, is entitled to apply for release or bail.


Задание 3. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод конструкции there is / are:


1. There are about 100 Federal courts through the country.

2. How many district courts are there in every state?

3. There were on the statute books some substantive laws which in practice tend to operate unequally against the poor.

4. Outside the three-layer federal court there are numerous special courts such as the court of claims and the tax court.

5. There is a lot of evidence that proves this fact.

6. There are 52 police forces or police authorities in Britain each employed and paid by their local councils.

7. There are no limitations as to the type of account information the bank may give to criminal investigators.

8. There were the merchant police hired to protect the markets, banks and commercial business.

9. Is there a US attorney in each federal judicial district?

10. Is there usually consultation between government departments & the legal profession, the police, the probation service & voluntary bodies?

Задание 4. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод модальных глаголов:


1. To plead not guilty you often have to wait until all the guilty pleas have been handled.

2. The prosecutor is to call 104 witnesses some 60 of whom are FBI agents, policemen or prison personal.

3. The Supreme Court justice may be a senator, an Attorney General, a teacher in a law school.

4. Which actions can the police take when a person has been arrested in connection with the serious arrestable offence, but has not yet been charged?

5. In what cases must a person under the detention scheme be released immediately?

6. It is a basic principle of the British criminal justice system that accused people should not be remanded in custody except where strictly necessary.

7. If the bail is refused, the defendant may apply to a High Court judge or to the Crown Court for bail, and application can be made to the Crown Court.

8. Even in cases of murder or treason, bail may be granted at the discretion of the Lord Advocate or a quorum of the High Court.

9. The trial of a person with a summary offence & held in custody must begin within 40 days of the date of first appearance in Court.

10. The trial of a person with a summary offence and held in custody must begin within 40 days of the date of first appearance in court.

Задание 5. Прочтите и переведите текст. Ответьте на вопрос: Are there any other courts in the USA besides the Supreme Court?

The court system depends on the legal profession to make it work. Although individuals can institute actions and defend them normally lawyers do this job for them.

England is almost unique in having two different kinds of lawyers, with separate jobs in the legal system. The two kinds of lawyers are solicitors and barristers. This division of the legal profession is due mainly to its historical causes. This division is the main reason for the separation between civil and criminal courts.

The traditional picture of the English lawyer is that a solicitor is a legal adviser of the public. Members of the public can call at a solicitor’s office and seek his advice in a personal interview. There is no end to the variety of matters a solicitor deals with. He does legal work involved in buying a house, he writes legal letters and carries on legal arguments outside Court. He prepares a case and the evidence. In a civil action solicitors have right to speak in County Court when the case is one of divorce or recovering some debts. They can also deal with some petty crimes and matrimonial matters in Magistrates Courts. A barrister defends client’s interests in a courtroom. He can only be consulted indirectly through a solicitor. A barrister must be capable of prosecuting in a criminal case one day, and defending an accused person the next, or of preparing a pleading and taking the case for a plaintiff in one day, and doing the same for a defendant the next.

A lot of work in solicitor’s office is done by managing clerks, now called legal executives, and being the third type of lawyers.

Задание 2:найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний.

Судебная система, возбуждать иск, защищать, консультант по юридическим вопросам, раз вод, взыскать долг, истец, ответчик, обвиняемый, доказательства, ходатайство, истец, преследовать в судебном порядке.

Задание 3:дайте ответы на вопросы к тексту.

1. What makes British legal system work?

2. Why is British legal system unique?

3. What are the main responsibilities of a solicitor?

4. What does a barrister do?

5. Who does a lot of work in solicitor’s office?

Задание 4:поставьте вопросы всех типов к данному предложению.

The two kinds of lawyers are solicitors and barristers.

Задание 5:выберите правильную форму глагола to be.

1. I … … a judge when I graduate the Academy. 2. This legal document … easy for understanding. 3. In Britain the vast majority of judges … unpaid. 4. When the trial finished, they … sent to prison. 5. The verdict … announced yesterday. 6. I … over 18 years old.

Задание 6:переведите юридические термины. Составьте собственные предложения с 5 из них.

To serve one’s sentence Capital crime

To avoid violence Scene of crime

Espionage Seizure of property

To break confidence Bigamist

To dismiss an appeal Defense lawyer

Judgment Arrest

Attorney license Search

Injury Mortal damage

Offended party To get money by fraud

Legally capable Burglary

Задание 1:прочитайте и переведите текст.

Why do we Need Laws?

Almost everything we do is governed by some set of rules. However, some rules – those made by the state or the courts – are called “laws”. Laws are designed to control or alter our behavior. But unlike rules of morality, laws are enforced by the courts; if you break a law - whether you like that law or not – you may be forced to pay a fine, pay damages, or go to prison.

Why are some rules so special that they are made into laws? Why do we need rules that everyone must follow? What is the purpose of law?

Laws regulate our business affairs, help to ensure that people keep their promises. Laws against criminal conduct help to safeguard our personal property and our lives.

Even in a well-ordered society, people have disagreements and conflicts arise. The law must provide a way to resolve these disputes peacefully. If two people claim to own the same piece of property, they turn to the law and to institutions like the courts to decide who the real owner is and to make sure that the real owner’s rights are respected.

We need law, then, to ensure a safe and peaceful society in which individuals’ rights are respected. The legal system should respect individual rights while, at the same time, ensuring that society operates in an orderly manner. And society should believe in the Rule of Law, which means that the law applies to every person, including members of the police and other public officials, who must carry out their public duties in accordance with the law.

Another goal of the law is fairness. This means that the law should protect certain basic individual rights and freedoms, such as liberty and equality.

Задание 2:найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний.

Свод правил, изменять поведение, нарушать закон, уплатить штраф, возместить ущерб, разрешать споры мирным путем, защищать частую собственность, защищать основные права, свобода и равенство.

Задание 3:дайте ответы на вопросы к тексту.

1. What are laws designed for?

2. What can happen if you break a law?

3. What do laws regulate and provide?

4. What do laws ensure?

5. What is another goal of laws?

Задание 4:поставьте вопросы всех типов к данному предложению.

Laws regulate our business affairs.

Задание 5:раскройте скобки, употребляя необходимую видо-временную форму глагола.

1.They (to call) his former girl-friend to give evidence tomorrow. 2. Yesterday police (to arrest) 50 demonstrators outside the Parliament building. 3. A large group of photographers and reporters (to gather) in front of the court before the barristers’ arrival. 4. Look, the judge (to enter) the courtroom. 5. The defendant just (to plead) not guilty.

Задание 6:переведите предложения из активного залога в пассивный.

1.Police arrested Bates for dangerous driving. 2. They have charged no-one with murder yet 3. They are looking for the murder weapon now. 4. They make up the jury of seven women and five men. 5. Judge Evans will pass sentence on the three men tomorrow.

Задание 7: переведите юридические термины. Составьте собственные предложения с 5 из них.

To find sb guilty Putative defendant

To pass a sentence Pursuit

To stand trial Own confession

To return a verdict Ownership of property

To call a witness Taking of the body

Youthful misbehaviour Systematic criminal

Absent good cause Abuse of corpse

Encroachment Harassment

Narcotic officer Guilty party

Natural law Juvenile offence










воскресенье, 22 мая 2022 г.

23.05.2022 г. Задание для студентов 2-го курса

 English Court System

Pre-reading task: Read the text and answer the following questions:

1. Which courts try major criminal cases?

2. When was the Supreme Court of the UK formed?

3. What was the highest court of the UK before 2009?

The structure of the court system in Britain is many-layered. The courts in Great Britain are divided into two large groups: criminal courts and civil courts. Besides, there are many special tribunals – independent judicial bodies - set up by Parliament.

Criminal courts are Magistrates' Courts and Crown Courts. Magistrates' Courts are the courts of first instance. Cases involving minor offencesbegin and end there. Cases involving more serious offences normally start in Magistrates' Courts before being referred to higher courts - Crown Courts - for trial. Crown Courts try serious cases such as murder, rape, arson, armed robbery, fraud, and so on.

Civil courts include county courts as the courts of first instance, and the High Court as a higher court. Jurisdictionof county courts is now statutorily unlimited, and the number of cases tried at this level is vast.

The High Court of Justice consists of three separate subdivisions: the Queen's Bench Division, the Chancery Division and the Family Division. They are independent of each other and deal with different cases, both criminal and civil.

Appeals against decisions of the High Court and the Crown Court may be taken to the Court of Appeal with its Criminal and Civil divisions.

The Constitutional Reform Act 2005 established the new Supreme Courtof the United Kingdom to replace the Appellate Committee of the House of Lords. The main reason for the establishment of this court is to separate legislative and judicial powers in the country. The Supreme Court took over the judicial functions of the House of Lords and started to operate in October 2009.


Crown Court - суд короны (суд по уголовным делам)

High Court of Justice - Высокий Суд правосудия

Queen's Bench Division - Отделение королевской скамьи Высокого Суда правосудия (рассматривает важнейшие уголовные дела и некоторые категории гражданских дел)

Chancery Division - Канцлерское отделение Высокого Суда правосудия (рассматривает гражданские дела)

Family Division - Отделение Высокого Суда правосудия по семейным делам, разводам и завещаниям

Court of Appeal - Апелляционный суд

Lords of Appeal in Ordinary - лорды-судьи, судебные лорды; члены палаты лордов, назначаемые для рассмотрения апелляций.

Match each word or phrase on the left to the Russian equivalent on the right:

1.tribunal a. незначительное правонарушение
2. minor offence b. убийство
3. county court c. поджог
4. murder d. изнасилование
5. rape e.суд; трибунал; суд специальной юрисдикции
6.arson f. вооруженный разбой
7. armed robbery g. суд графства

Match each word or phrase on the left to the correct definition on the right:
1. criminal court a) a court that handles non-criminal legal matters
2. civil court b) a court of summary jurisdiction held before two or more justices of the peace
3. court of first instance c) the lowest civil tribunal, having limited jurisdiction, mostly for the recovery of small debts  
4. Magistrates' Court d) a court of criminal jurisdiction holding sessions in towns throughout England and Wales
5. tribunal e) includes the Chancery, Family, and King's Bench or Queen's Bench Divisions
6. county court f) the final court of appeal in the UK for civil cases, which also hears appeals in criminal cases from England, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
7. Crown Court g) a body established to settle certain types of dispute
8. High Court of Justice h) a court to which appeals are made on points of law resulting from the judgment of a lower court
9. Court of Appeal i) a court having jurisdiction over criminal cases
10. Supreme Court j) a court in which legal proceedings are begun or first heard

23.05.2022 г. Задание для студентов 1-го курса

 Mass Media. Английские слова (intermediate)

Kinds of the Media

TV (television) — телевидение

the Internet — интернет

the Radio — радио

the Press (e.g.newspapers &magazines) — пресса (газеты и журналы)

the Advertisement — реклама

Cinema — кинематограф

Pop Music Industry — поп-индустрия

I. General Words on Mass Media:

channel — канал

cable TV — кабельное телевидение

TV guide — телепрограмма

watch TV — смотреть по телевизор

be on TV — идти по телевизору

turn on/off (фраз.гл.) — включить/ выключить

switch to another channel — переключить на другой канал

turn down (фраз.гл.) — сделать потише

turn up (фраз.гл.) — сделать погромче

turn over to (фраз.гл.) — переключить на …

listen to the radio — слушать радио

appear in the papers — появиться в прессе

title of a programme — название передачи

news programme — программа новостей

breaking news — экстренное сообщение

weather forecast — прогноз погоды

current affairs — текущие события

broadcast — транслировать

inform — информировать

entertain — развлекать

broaden our mind — расширять кругозор

ruin our eye-sight — портить зрение

show violence — показывать насилие

intrude opinions upon — навязывать мнение

gossips — сплетни

about celebrities — о знаменитостях

II. Kinds of TV Programmes:

feature film — художественный фильм

documentary — документальный фильм

educational programme — познавательная передача

soap opera — многосерийный сериал

serial [‘sɪərɪəl] / series is [`siəri:z] — сериал

documentary series about — документальный сериал о …

episode — серия

cartoon — мультфильм

game show — игровое шоу

reality show — реалити шоу

chat/ talk show — чат- шоу / ток-шоу

the news — новости

commercial — рекламный ролик


Turn down the television. I can’t hear the telephone.

Do you turn over to another channel during adverts?

III. Kinds of Newspapers & the Press:

local paper — местная газета

popular paper — массовая газета (рассчитана на невзыскательного читателя, печатает материалы сенсационного характера)

quality paper — «солидная» газета (рассчитана на осведомлёного читателя; публикует много внутриполитической и экономической информации)

newspaper article — газетная статья

headline [`hedlain] — заголовок

IV. The Internet:

use as source of information — использовать как источник информации

for communication — для общения

for entertainment — для развлечения

chat on line — болтать онлайн

send an email / a txt message- отправлять электронное письмо / сообщение

look for information — искать информацию

find info… for studies — находить … для занятий

download info… onto — загрузить … на

addiction — зависимость

computer addict — человек, зависимый от компьютера

Mass Media. Задания

Задание 1. Подберите определение следующим средствам массовой информации, «What is a (an) … like?

Kinds of Mass Media:

An advert

A soap (opera)

Sport news

A talk show

A music programme

A weather forcast

The Internet

The Quiz


an announcement in a newspaper, on television, or on a poster about something such as a product, event, or job;

a statement saying what the weather will be like the next day or for the next few days;

a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to serve billions of users worldwide;

newly received or noteworthy information, esp. about recent or important sports events;

a television or radio drama serial dealing typically with daily events in the lives of the same group of characters;

TV or radio programme which broadcasts music;

a television or radio show in which famous people talk to each other in an informal way and are asked questions about different topics;

a form of game or mind sport in which the players (as individuals or in teams) attempt to answer questions correctly. In some countries, a quiz is also a brief assessment used in education and similar fields to measure growth in knowledge, abilities, and/or skills.

Задание 2. Вставьте подходящие слова в текст по теме «Mass Media»

My elder brother Tom is a TV addict. He spends hours in front of a TV switching the (1) ________ . He watches the news to be informed about __________ (2)  affairs and (3) _________ shows to test his knowledge and intelligence. He claims that every TV programme has educational value. For Tom even a  _________ show, in which an interviewer talks to a well-known personality, provides a lot of useful information. Well, I think that he just loves gossip about the lives of (5) _________ like Ronaldo or Claudia Schiffer.

Ответы в конце статьи.

* * *

Задание 3. Прочитайте текст о телевидении. Составьте свое мнение на его основе. 

public opinion polls — опрос общественного мнения

glue — приклеиться

selective — избирательный

Ninety-eight percent of us have a TV set at home. According to the public opinion polls, the average viewer watches TV as much as 25 hours a week.  Television informs, educates and entertains people. It also influences the way people look and makes them change their views.

On the one side, watching television is probably the easiest way of spending free time. Though it is not a good way even if programmes contain nothing negative. TV can be blamed for turning people into «coach potatoes» as it is very easy to start watching it and sometimes difficult to stop. The whole families can glue to the box in the evenings. Besides, the members of the family often prefer lying on the coach and watching their own TV to communicating with each other.

On the other side, for lonely or elderly people television can be a good thing as it is cheap and convenient form of entertainment. It can be an ideal way to relax wihout turning into a TV addict.

All in all, television is informative, useful, entertaining and relaxing — and yes, banal and boring. We need to be selective, otherwise we have only ourselves to blame.

Grammar:Sequence of tenses /Согласование времён

Просмотрите видеоролик по теме:

среда, 11 мая 2022 г.

12.05.2022 г. Задание для студентов 2 курса ПСА, ПД, ПОСО.

Physical Evidence

Physical Evidence
The finding, collecting and preservation of physical evidence arc the most important phases in a criminal investigation.
Physical evidence is of value only if it helps prove a case or clear a suspect. The most valuable evidence may be worthless if inefficiently handled.
In general, the term “chain of evidence” may be defined as the documentation of every articlc of evidence, from the point of initial discovery at a crime scene, to its collection and transport to a laboratory, its temporary custody and its final disposition. Within this context, it is natural that:
— the admissibility of the information derived from any article of evidence be directly proportional to and fully dependent on the manner and precautions taken to ensure that the evidence presented to a court has been protected;
— there be no viable alternative to a strong chain o f evidence.
It is not always possible to know whether or not an object has evidential value until it is analyzed. For example, one is generally unable to see all the details in a shoe imprint until a cast has been made and that cast; compared with the shoe.
In collecting any object of possible evidential value an officcr should keep in mind the importance of the following:
1. The possibilities o f fingerprints being found on it.
2. The chances of certain pieces of microscopic debris, such as hair, blood,
paint, fibres, etc., adhering to it.
3. How that article should be removed, marked, packaged and transported. Physical evidence is something that is concrete, something that can generally
be measured, photographed, analyzed, and presented as a physical object in court. Circumstantial evidence is a specific circumstance. For example, a suspect might be accuscd of burglary, and the shoes he is wearing arc proved to have made certain impressions found at the scene of a crime. The shoes and the imprint arc physical evidence, while the fact that the suspect was wearing the shoes when arrested is circumstantial evidence. Someone else could have worn the shoes at the time the burglary was committed, therefore that type of evidence is circumstantial.
If there are witnesses, the investigator needs corroborative evidence; if there arc no witnesses, the entire case must often be proved through physical evidence alone.
A lone piece of evidence, because of its great intrinsic value and the impossibility of being duplicated, may be sufficiently important to warrant a conviction — for example, a fingerprint. At other times it may be a combination of a number of articles of physical evidence, none of which arc conclusive, that proves the case.
The intrinsic value o f physical evidence often depends on its location. A hat on one’s head has little significance but if it is found beside a murder victim it might become of great importance.
There is no such thing as a pcrfcct crimc, a crimc that leaves no traces — there is only the inability to find the evidence.
When the investigating officcr arrives at a crimc scene it is necessary that he should first protect the scene and prevent anybody from touching any object.
The preliminary survey is to acquaint the investigating officcr with the entire scene and its important details. After he has completed his preliminary survey the photographer may go to work. It is important that the investigator should accompany the photographer, pointing out various objects o f possible evidential value. He should note possible location of latent prints (invisible prints), and guard against contamination of such objects and surfaces. 

After the general scene has been completely photographed, the officer with casting equipment casts all possible imprints, if such are present, and then the fingerprint man should work on various objects. He should also note movable objects where fingerprints may be found, and should carefully remove them to a safe place for dusting and developing later.
As the fingerprint man completes his work, the investigator may go to work thoroughly searching the scene o f possible evidential value.
As evidence is found, it should be marked, carefully packaged, each article separately, and placcd in some locality where it will not be destroyed or contaminated, until it is transported to a laboratory.
(“Scientific Investigation and Physical Evidence”, L. V. Jones)
none of which arc — ни один из которых conclusive — here: убедительный
Ex. II. Find synonyms:
to look for, to analyze, a possibility, custody, latent, impressions, a picture, a
dactyloscopic expert, to search for, an article, a criminal, a probability, to examine, imprints, a photograph, preservation, invisible, an item, a fingerprint man, a perpetrator.
Ex. 12. Find the equivalents in the text:
доказать дело, снять подозрения с подозреваемого, ценные вещественные
доказательства, сделать слепок, косвенные улики, кража со взломом, убийство, подтверждающие доказательства, предварительный осмотр места происшествия, изъять предметы, уничтожить или загрязнить улики, осматривать место происшествия в целях нахождения отпечатков пальцев, жертва, доказывать дело лишь с помощью вещественных доказательств, оберегать место происшествия, закончить предварительный осмотр, отметить расположение отпечатков пальцев, дактилоскопист, обработать порошком, промаркировать улики, упаковать улики.

Тема: Civil and Criminal law


Grammar:First Conditionals/Придаточные предложения времени и условия

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