вторник, 24 марта 2020 г.

Понедельник, 23.03.2020.Задания для студентов 2-го курса РИПК

   Задание 1. Выучите слова, пройдя по ссылке:


Задание 2. Прочитайте и переведите текст, дайте развернутые ответы на вопросы к нему :

Oxygen and hydrogen are two elements. Both of them exist as gas at room temperature and they combine together to form water. Hydrogen is the most abundant element of the universe whereas oxygen is one of the most abundant elements on earth.

Surprising Uses for Oxygen
The greatest amount of oxygen use comes from metal production. Oxygen is used to burn off carbon in iron to create steel. Carbon, along with other impurities, are all burned off in the process by blasting oxygen through molten iron. Oxygen is also used in rocket fuels by combining it with hydrogen inside rocket engines. Hydrogen and oxygen give off tremendous amounts of energy when they combine. This energy is what lifts the rocket into space. Oxygen is more heavier then Hydrogen, as for gases the density depends only upon the molar mass.

Oxygen in Nature
Oxygen makes up 20.948 percent of the earth's atmosphere. It also occurs in lakes, rivers, and oceans in the form of water. Its abundance in the earth is estimated to be nearly 45 percent. That makes oxygen almost twice as abundant as silicon, the second most common element. Oxygen occurs in many kinds of minerals including the carbonates, nitrates, phosphates, and sulfates. There are many amazing facts about oxygen, such as its role in plant life. Plants use the carbon dioxide that humans and animals breathe out after inhaling oxygen. It is easy to see why it is the most important element we have. From making metal to giving us what we need to breathe, oxygen helps us to survive in a way that no other element can match.

Difference between Hydrogen and Oxygen. Oxygen is vital for human beings as we need it to breathe so that our brain cells get the oxygen necessary for their functioning. It is needed by the body to maintain metabolism and also to get rid of toxins from our bodies. We get hydrogen as a component of water. Hydrogen gas is mostly used in the manufacture of Ammonia gas and is also used as a source of fuel.
Both hydrogen and oxygen are necessary for our survival (oxygen for breathing and hydrogen in the form of water). They have different chemical and physical properties. While hydrogen is one of the lightest gases, oxygen is relatively heavier (15 times than hydrogen) which is why we are able to breathe. They are both reactive gases and their reaction produces water which is essential for our survival.

Questions :

1. What is the most abundant element of the universe?
2. What is oxygen used for?
3. Where can you find oxygen in nature?
4. Which is heavier  oxygen or hydrogene? 
5. What's the difference between oxygen and hydrogene?
6.Can we live without both oxygen and hydrogene?

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Задание для студентов 3-го курса ПД и ПОСО.

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