понедельник, 3 мая 2021 г.

03.05.2021 г. Задание для студентов 1-го курса ПСО.


Времена группы Perfect Continuous

Посмотрите видеоролик и выполните упражнения:

Выберите в скобках подходящее слово или словосочетание. Переведите предложения.  

My friends had been living in Kabul for 2 years … (when the war breaks out/when the war broke out/when the war will break out).
What has she been doing … (since 8 o’clock/for 8 o’clock/by 8 o’clock)?
We shall have been working for 5 hours … (when you return/when you will return/when you returned) to our office by 6 p.m.
It had been snowing for a day … (when I leave/when I left/when I will leave) home.
I have been preparing for my exam … (since 2 days/for 2 days/by 2 days).
How long had they been windsurfing … (when I see/when I saw/when I shall see) them?
Sara will have been driving her bike for 6 months … (since Christmas/for Christmas/by Christmas).
By the time ... (our Mum wakes up/our Mum woke up/our Mum will wake up) we will have been flying over the ocean for a couple of hours.

Поставьте глагол в скобках в необходимое время группы Perfect Continuous. Переведите.

They … (to celebrate) their wedding since last Friday.
I … (to play) the violin for a long time when my friends came.
Wake up! You … (to sleep) for 12 hours already!
We … (to sunbathe) on the beach for several hours by the time she reads our letter.
The boy took the toys which little Mary … (to play) with.
Tony … (to speak) on the phone since breakfast time.
Mark … (to choose) a new telephone for an hour before he bought it.
Liz … (to translate) the book for ages.
He said he … (to wait) for us for half an hour.
By tonight I … (to keep) to a diet for 2 weeks already.

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4.09.2023 г. Задание для студентов 1-го курса ПСА, ПД.

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