среда, 13 апреля 2022 г.

14.04.2022 г. Задание для студентов 1-го курса.

Просмотрите видеоролики:

 Уэльс. Объединенное Королевство

Шотландия. Объединенное Королевство

Scotland / Шотландия


Scotland is a beautiful country with dramatic mountains, lochs and many offshore islands. The Cheviot Hills is a natural boundary between England and Scotland. This part of the UK is divided into three regions: Lowlands, Highlands and Southern Upland.
Scotland is not densely populated. Most part of the Scottish population lives in Lowlands.
Scotland's biggest city, Glasgow, is situated on the bank of the river Clyde. Though this city is the biggest port and the most industrially developed, still it is not the capital.
Edinburgh has been the capital of Scotland since the 15th century. It is known as "the Athens of the North" and is one of the United Kingdom's nicest cities. There is the Palace of Holyrood House in Edinburgh, the Queen's official residence in Scotland.
ScotlandIn the Highlands the Scots speak English with their own accent. Besides English they also speak Gaelic, the ancient Scottish language. Many Scottish surnames start with Mac or Mc (e. g. MacDonald, McCalister). "Mac" means "son of". MacDonald and Campbell were once two main clans.
Highland region is famous for the clan system, which was the basis of the Highland life in the early days. The word "clan" comes from the Gaelic and means "children" and clan's members were united by kinship from the common ancestor. Each clan had its own tartan. Though tartan was worn in other parts of Scotland, it was in the Highlands, where it became the symbol of clan kinship. Tartan was a kind of checked cloth and was worn by both men and women. But the kilt (a kind of skirt made of tartan) was worn only by men.
Even though the clan system has lost its power it had over the years, people still wear the tartan of their clan, either a tie or a kilt to proclaim their pride in their origin.
The Great Glen in the Scottish Highlands is a valley, which contains three famous lochs: Lochy, Oich and Ness. The most famous of these is Loch Ness.
Loch NessIt is deeper than the North Sea and is very long and very, very narrow and has never been known to freeze. Some people believe that a large monster lives in it. There are many stories about this water monster Nessie. Year after year thousands of tourists come to Loch Ness, put up their tents and watch the lake in the hope to see the monster. Since then, Nessie has been seen many times but has never harmed anyone. Interest in Nessie became great and over the years several scientific investigations have taken place.
Scotland is known for its so-called Highland Games. During these games different competitions are held. At the beginning of the games, people march to the game place and the pipers play the bagpipes.
There is an interesting custom in Scotland. It is the world's biggest New Year's Eve party, which takes place for several days. At the end of each year at midnight people together sing the old song of Robert Burns "Auld Lang Syne" what means "For old times' sake".
An old belief says that if the first person who enters the Scottish house after the beginning of a new year is a dark-haired man with a piece of coal, all the members of this family will have good luck.
St. Andrew is the Saint Patron of Scotland. St. Andrew's cross is a "saltire" [səl'taiə], or X-shaped cross. His cross, in white on a blue background, remains the pride symbol of Scotland today and forms a central component of the Flag of the United Kingdom. St. Andrew's Day is on November 30th.
Scotland is associated with the names of such writers and poetsas Walter Scott, Robert Louis Stevenson and Robert Burns.
Scotland is also traditionally regarded as the home of golf.
The thistle is the national emblem of Scotland.

Wales / Уэльс


The Welsh people call their country Cymru ['kimru]. Wales is the land of rocks, mountains and valleys. There is a region in the high Cumbrian Mountains called Snowdonia. Its scenery is the pride of Wales. Snowdonia is named after the highest peak of these mountains – Snowdon at 1,085 metres above sea level.
The largest cities in the south of Wales are Cardiff, Swansea and Newport. The greatest concentration of people lives in these cities. Cardiff is the principality's capital and the main seaport and Swansea is its industrial centre. Cardiff has been the capital since 1955.
The largest town in the north of Wales is Wrexham.
The Welsh language is spoken widely, especially in the north of the country. It is one of the Celtic languages. It is still the first language for many people.
Wales is often called "the land of song". The Welsh people, especially in rural ares are fond of poetry, singing folk songs and playing the harp. There are a lot of choirs in Wales.
The Welsh are great storytellers. You will hear tales of King Arthur and Merlin the Magician, of kingdoms lost beneath the sea and battles between dragons, of haunted castles and knightly deeds.
Each of the major periods of history has left its mark on Wales, some more attractive than the others. Wales is "the land of castles". And the Normans were the first to build castles here.
Wales is famous for Eisteddfod [ai'steðvɔd]. It is the largest and oldest festival of Welsh culture, which is held every year in different areas of Wales. "Eisteddfod" literally means "a sitting" ("eistedd" in Welsh is "to sit"), perhaps a reference to the hand-carved chair traditionally awarded to the best poet or musician in the ceremony "the Crowning of the Bard".
Eisteddfod is actually an association of poets, writers, musicians, artists and individuals who have made a significant and distinguished contribution to the Welsh language, literature, and culture. Competitions of bards and singers take place during Eisteddfod. Its members are known as druids who wear long robes. Their leader is always a poet. The colour of their costumes – white, blue or green – is indicative of their various ranks.
St. David is the Patron Saint of Wales. March 1st is St. David's Day, the national day of Wales and has been celebrated as such since the 12th century.
Wales has two national symbols – the daffodil and the leek.
The proud and ancient battle banner of the Welsh is called the Red Dragon and consists of a red dragon on a green and white background.

Northern Ireland / Северная Ирландия

Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland is the smallest part of the UK. "Ulster" is sometimes used as equivalent to Northern Ireland because it contains six counties of the historic province of Ulster. Eire ['ɛərə] is a poetic name for the whole Ireland (Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland).
Ireland is often called "the Emerald Isle". In this name its lush greenery is reflected. Thanks to the winds that blow from the Atlantic Ocean the soil and the air are warm and damp. That is why fresh green grass coveres the ground in Ireland and it makes the island look so beautiful.
Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland. It is a great industrial centre and a large port.
For seven centuries Ireland was a colony of Britain. Historically the hatred between colonised people of Ireland and their colonisers was underlined by the difference in their religions. Northern Ireland is known for its long-lasting political conflict between Catholics and Protestants.
Nationalists, who are mainly Catholic, want Nothern Ireland to be unified with the Republic of Ireland and Unionists, who are mainly Protestant – want it to remain part of the United Kingdom.
The Irish flag dates from the 1800s. The colours have a symbolic meaning. Green represents the Roman Catholics of Ireland, orange the Protestants of Ulster and white represents peace.
The shamrock and the red hand are the national symbols of Northern Ireland.
The shamrock is said to be connected to St. Patrick, Ireland's Patron Saint. Irish people wear this symbol on the National Day on March 17th. This celebration is called St. Patrick's Day.
The name of St. Patric is surrounded by a rich tradition of oral legends and myths most of which has been exaggerated over the centuries. It is so because inventing exciting tales as a way to remember history has always been a part of Irish culture. Some of these legends say that Patrick raised people from the dead.

  • Greater London — территория Лондона с пригородами
  • Lancashire ['læŋkəʃIə] — Ланкашир (графство в Англии)
  • Albion ['ælbjən] — Альбион (от лат. Белая Земля) — поэтическое название Англии
  • Stonehenge — Стоунхендж (одно из самых больших и известных в мире древних строений из каменных глыб)
  • Patron Saint — святой покровитель
  • red rose — алая роза (эмблема Англии, эмблема династии Ланкастеров)
  • Glasgow ['glasgəu] — Глазго (крупный город в Шотландии)
  • Edinburgh ['edInbərə] — Эдинбург (столица Шотландии)
  • clan — клан (родовая община у шотландцев; в настоящее время: лица, носящие общую родовую фамилию)
  • tartan — тартан (традиционный шотландский рисунок из узких и широких полос)
  • kilt — килт, национальный шотландский костюм (юбка шотландского горца из клетчатой шерстяной ткани)
  • bagpipe — волынка (музыкальный инструмент, популярный в Шотландии)
  • Walter Scott ['wɔltə 'skɔt] — Вальтер Скотт, шотландский писатель (1771–1832)
  • Robert Louis Stevenson ['rɔbət 'luI 'sti:vənsən] — Роберт Луис Стивенсон, шотландский писатель (1850–1894)
  • Robert Burns ['rɔbət 'bə:nz] — Роберт Бёрнс, шотландский поэт (1759–1796)
  • thistle — чертополох (эмблема Шотландии)
  • Hogmanay ['hɔgmənei] — хогманей (канун Нового года в Шотландии)
  • Cymru ['kimru] — Кимру (валлийское название Уэльса)
  • Snowdonia [snow 'dəunjə] — Сноудония (национальный парк в живописном горном районе Уэльса)
  • Cardiff ['ka:dIf] — Кардифф (столица Уэльса)
  • Swansea ['swɔnzi:] — Суонси (второй по величине и значению город Уэльса)
  • Eisteddfod [aIs'tedfəd] / [aIs'təðvəd] — Айстедвод (фестиваль искусств валлийских певцов, музыкантов и поэтов в Уэльсе)
  • Druid ['dru:id] — друид, распорядитель Айстедвода
  • daffodil — желтый нарцисс (эмблема Уэльса)
  • leek — лук-порей (эмблема Уэльса)
  • Ulster ['ʌlstə] — Ольстер (историческая область на севере Ирландии)
  • Eire ['ɛərə] — Эйре (другое название Ирландской Республики)
  • Protestants ['prɔtIstənts] — протестанты
  • Catholics ['kæθəlIks] — католики
  • Belfast ['belfa:st] — Белфаст (столица Северной Ирландии)
  • "the Emerald Isle" ['emərəld aIl] — "Изумрудный остров" (так называют Ирландию из-за ярко-зеленой растительности)
  • shamrock and red hand — трилистник и красная рука (эмблема Северной Ирландии)

13.04.2022 г. задание для студентов 2 курса ПСА.


Просмотрите видеоролик:

Видеоролик "Все про герундий"

Просмотрите текстовый материал по теме "Герундий":

Ссылка на текстовый материал

Упражнение 1 (повторение). Образуйте герундий от глагола в скобках и переведите предложение. Почему надо в данном случае использовать герундий?

  1. Start … about pleasant things — and you’ll be happy! (think)
  2. Americans enjoy … houses and … to new places. (change/ move)
  3. Would you like to go … in the sea? (sail)
  4. Most people enjoy … in the sun. (lie)
  5. I haven’t had my lunch yet. Do you mind … outside for ten minutes? (wait)
  6. John likes … at a high speed. (drive)
  7. Stop … about your troubles. (worry)
  8. Jack was proud of … the first prize for…. (get/ jump)
  9. Helen was so angry that she left without… a word. (say)

Упражнение 2. Выберите предлог.

  1. Read the rule … writing the exercise. (after, before, by the time)
  2. Diana is fond … collecting posters of pop singers. (for, to, of)
  3. Betty likes art very much and she is keen … visiting art galleries. (in, on, about)
  4. Black is tired … painting the wall. He has been working for 5 hours. (of, after, for)
  5. Susan is clever … learning English. (of, for, at)
  6. I don’t understand how David can fish for hours … catching anything. (with, without, on)
  7. Kate bought a book … buying an umbrella. (but, without, instead of)
  8. … visiting the British Museum the tourists were very much impressed. (After, Before, Instead of)
  9. I can’t get used … getting up early. ( for, with, to)
  10. … hearing the news Mr White felt pleased. (On, With, By)
  11. We were fascinated … Ella’s singing Russian songs. (by, about, on)
  12. I like the idea … visiting St. Petersburg this summer. (of, to, about)
  13. Jack answered the examiners’ questions … thinking and later he regretted it. (without, instead of, with)
  14. Thank you … helping us In troubles. (about, by, for)
  15. My friends and I dream … going to England. (to, of, for)
  16. Children went for a walk … switching off the light. (with, without, before)
  17. We were surprised … meeting Alice at the theatre. She was going to stay at home on that day. (at, by, with)
  18. Sorry … interrupting you, but could you show me the way to the nearest cinema? (for, at, of)
  19. We have improved our English  …   learning the new words and rules every day.  (by, for, with)
  20. Pamela looking forward … visiting London again. (to, on, about)

Упражнение 3.Раскройте скобки, употребляя герундий. Объясните, почему в данном случае надо употребить герундий.

  1. The doctor insisted on (send) the sick man to hospital.
  2. He was good at (repair) cars.
  3. She was sorry for (come) late.
  4. The children ran out the room and began (play).
  5. He seemed sorry for (be) rude.
  6. The girl had no talent for (dance).
  7. After (check) the students’ papers, the teacher handed them back.
  8. Excuse her for (break) her cup.
  9. She was proud of (win) the prize.
  10. She accused the boy of (steal) her purse.
  11. I don’t mind (open) the window.
  12. I objected to my mother (do my room).
  13. They enjoy (watch) her dancing.
  14. She doesn’t feel like (see) him.
  15. She never approved of her daughter (drink) so much coffee.

Упражнение 4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя герундий. Объясните, почему в данном случае надо употребить герундий.

  1. She couldn’t help (make) mistakes.
  2. The monument is worth (see).
  3. The problem is not worth (discuss).
  4. Do you mind my (ask) you a question?
  5. Would you mind my (come) again in a year?
  6. She couldn’t help (smile).
  7. I cannot put off (see) my old friend.
  8. Please forgive my (interfere).
  9. Excuse my (leave) you at such a moment.
  10. She denied (be) at home that evening.
  11. I avoided (speak) to them after the quarrel.
  12. He broke the silence by (invite) everybody to dinner.
  13. The place is worth (visit).
  14. I can’t help  (admire) London’s beautiful streets especially in the evening.

Тема: Criminal Justice

воскресенье, 10 апреля 2022 г.



Основная литература

Кузьменкова, Ю. Б. ​ Английский язык для технических колледжей (A1) : учебное пособие для среднего профессионального образования / Ю. Б. Кузьменкова. — Москва : Издательство Юрайт, 2021. — 207 с. — (Профессиональное образование). — ISBN 978-5-534-12346-3. — Текст : электронный // Образовательная платформа Юрайт [сайт]. — URL: https://urait.ru/bcode/475659

Полубиченко, Л. В. ​ Английский язык для колледжей (A2-B2) : учебное пособие для среднего профессионального образования / А. С. Изволенская, Е. Э. Кожарская ; под редакцией Л. В. Полубиченко. — Москва : Издательство Юрайт, 2021. — 184 с. — (Профессиональное образование). — ISBN 978-5-534-09287-5. — Текст : электронный // Образовательная платформа Юрайт [сайт]. — URL: https://urait.ru/bcode/474378


Дополнительная литература

Агабекян И.П. Английский язык для СПО. [Электронный ресурс]: учебное пособие. М.: Проспект, 2021. 

Гуреев, В. А. ​ Английский язык. Грамматика (B2) : учебник и практикум для среднего профессионального образования / В. А. Гуреев. — Москва : Издательство Юрайт, 2021. — 294 с. — (Профессиональное образование). — ISBN 978-5-534-10481-3. — Текст : электронный // Образовательная платформа Юрайт [сайт]. — URL: https://urait.ru/bcode/474630

Иванова, О. Ф. ​ Английский язык. Пособие для самостоятельной работы учащихся (В1 — В2): учебное пособие для среднего профессионального образования / О. Ф. Иванова, М. М. Шиловская. — Москва : Издательство Юрайт, 2021. — 352 с. — (Профессиональное образование). — ISBN 978-5-534-09663-7. — Текст : электронный // Образовательная платформа Юрайт [сайт]. — URL: https://urait.ru/bcode/475034


Научная электронная библиотека eLIBRARY.RU [Электронный ресурс]. URL:http://elibrary.ru

Национальная электронная библиотека [Электронный ресурс]. URL:https://нэб.рф/

11.04.2022 г. Задание для 1 курса ПСА, ПД.

 Просмотрите видеоролик и подготовьтесь к обсуждению:

Политическая система Великобритании

Просмотрите видео по грамматике: Present Past Future Perfect

Выполните следующие упражнения:

Просмотрите видеоролик:

Гимн Великобритании

Лексика по теме:

вторник, 5 апреля 2022 г.

06.04.2022г. Задание для студентов 2 курса.

 Просмотрите видеоролики по теме:

Introduction to the United States Constitution

Six Principles of the US constitution

PARTICIPLES! Причастие и причастные обороты в английском языке

Complex Subject. Сложное подлежащее. Часть 1. Теория и практика

Complex Subject + примеры и упражнение

Complex Object + примеры и упражнение

Read the text for detailed understanding.


The Constitution of the United States was reduced to writing in 1787. It was officially adopted by the thirteen states by 1790.

The Constitution sets the basic form of government. It specifies the powers and duties of each federal branch of government, with all other powers and duties belonging to the states.

The Constitution has been repeatedly amended. A constitutional amendment can only be carried out if a very substantial majority, both in Congress and each state, approves it.

The ultimate power under the Constitution is not given to the President or the Supreme Court. The Constitution limits the role of each branch to prevent any one branch from gaining undue power. Power belongs to “We the People” in fact and in spirit.

The first ten constitutional amendments are known together as Bill

of Rights. The Americans consider they will be the fundamental rights and liberties of any citizen of the USA. They are the freedom of religion, speech, the press, the right of peaceful assembly, etc.

Over two past centuries, the Constitution has also had considerable influence outside the US. Several other nations have based their own forms of government on it.

^ Task 3

Complete the sentences with words and phrases from the box below.

was reduced powers and duties has been amended

was adopted rights and liberties approves

sets Bill of Rights prevents from

ultimate considerable

  1. The first ten Constitutional amendments are known together as _______________________.

  2. The US Constitution has also had _________________ influence outside the country.

  3. It ________ officially ___________ by the 13 states by 1790.

  4. The Constitution ______________ the basic form of government.

  5. The Constitution _____ ______repeatedly ______________ .

  6. The _____________ power under the Constitution is not given to the President or to the Supreme Court.

  7. The US Constitution __________________ to writing in 1787.

  8. The Constitution ________________ any one branch _____________ gaining undue power.

  9. It specifies the ____________________ of each federal branch of government.

  10. The Americans consider they will be the fundamental __________________.

  11. A constitutional amendment can only be carried out if a very substantial majority ________________ it.

Arrange the numbers of the sentences in the right order according to the text.


Task 4

Replace the Russian words and phrases by suitable English equivalents from the text.

The Constitution of the USA________________________________ (была написана) in 1787. It______________________________(была принята) officially by the 13 states by 1790. The Constitution________________________ (определяет) the powers and duties of each federal_______________ (власть) of government.

The Constitution_________ repeatedly___________ (изменялась). A__________________________________ (конституционная поправка) can be carried out if a majority_________________ (одобрит) it.

The US Constitution_____________________ (ограничивает) the role of each branch. It______________________ (предотвращает) any one branch from gaining_________________ (чрезмерный) power. The first ten constitutional______________________ (поправки) are known together as______________________ («Билль о правах»).

^ Task 5

Choose and underline the appropriate form of the verb.

The former colonies, now “the United States of America”, first operate / operated under an agreement which has / was called the Articles of Confederation. It is / was soon clear that this agreement among the states did / was not working well. In 1787 delegates from the states meet / met in Philadelphia. They wanted to revised / revise the Articles of Confederation, but they did / done much more than that. They written / wrote a completely new document, the Constitution, which after much argument, debate and compromise was / had finished in the same year and officially adopts / adopted by the 13 states by 1790.

Task 6

Translate the paragraph from Task 5 into Russian.

Task 7

Read the text again and find the answers to the following questions.

Does the USA have a written constitution?

  1. When was the American constitution adopted?

  2. What does the American constitution specify?

  3. Has it been repeatedly amended?

  4. Who does the ultimate power belong to in fact and in spirit?

  5. How are the first ten constitutional amendments known?

  6. Has the Constitution had considerable influence on other nations?

Task 8

Translate the sentences from Russian into English, using the verbs in brackets in Passive.

  1. Американская Конституция была написана (to write) в 1787, а была принята (to adopt) в 1790.

  2. Основная форма правления устанавливается (to set) Конституцией.

  3. Полномочия каждой федеральной ветви власти определяются (to specify) Конституцией.

  4. В Конституцию неоднократно вносились (to amend) поправки.

  5. В соответствии с Конституцией вся полнота власти не принадлежит (to give) ни Президенту, ни Верховному Суду.

  6. Первые десять конституционных поправок известны (to know) под названием «Билль о правах».

  7. Их считают (to consider) основными правами и свободами граждан США.

Task 9

Write what you have learned from the text about:

  1. the US Constitution;

  2. the rights and liberties of the Americans.



Unit 1


Task 1

Read out and try to remember the active vocabulary to the text “The

State System of Russia.”

to set up – учреждать, основывать

rule-of-law – правовой

republican – республиканский

to carry out - осуществлять

to balance – обеспечивать контроль

the Federal Assembly – Федеральное Собрание

the Federation Council – Совет Федерации

the State Duma – Государственная Дума

popular vote – всенародное голосование

local – местный, региональный

the Chairman of the Government – Председатель правительства

action – зд.функция

appointment – вступление в должность

the Constitutional Court – Конституционный Суд

the Supreme Court – Верховный Суд

district court – окружной суд

to chair – председательствовать

to nominate – выдвигать кандидата

post – пост, должность

justice – судья

Prosecutor General – Генеральный Прокурор

the Security Council – Совет Безопасности

to hold the office – занимать пост

ahead of time – раньше времени, внеочередной

to conduct a referendum – проводить референдум

on federal issues – по федеральным вопросам

in the event of – в случае

to be terminated – закончиться

resignation – отставка

impeachment - импичмент

Задание для студентов 3-го курса ПД и ПОСО.

 ЛЕКСИКА ДЛЯ ПОДГОТОВКИ К ЭКЗАМЕНУ 1. Перейдите по ссылке и изучите материал: Лексика 2. На платформе urait  пройдите в срок пробное экзамен...