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Introduction to the United States Constitution
Six Principles of the US constitution
PARTICIPLES! Причастие и причастные обороты в английском языке
Complex Subject. Сложное подлежащее. Часть 1. Теория и практика
Complex Subject + примеры и упражнение
Complex Object + примеры и упражнение
The Constitution of the United States was reduced to writing in 1787. It was officially adopted by the thirteen states by 1790.
The Constitution sets the basic form of government. It specifies the powers and duties of each federal branch of government, with all other powers and duties belonging to the states.
The Constitution has been repeatedly amended. A constitutional amendment can only be carried out if a very substantial majority, both in Congress and each state, approves it.
The ultimate power under the Constitution is not given to the President or the Supreme Court. The Constitution limits the role of each branch to prevent any one branch from gaining undue power. Power belongs to “We the People” in fact and in spirit.
The first ten constitutional amendments are known together as Bill
of Rights. The Americans consider they will be the fundamental rights and liberties of any citizen of the USA. They are the freedom of religion, speech, the press, the right of peaceful assembly, etc.
Over two past centuries, the Constitution has also had considerable influence outside the US. Several other nations have based their own forms of government on it.
Complete the sentences with words and phrases from the box below.
was reduced powers and duties has been amended
was adopted rights and liberties approves
sets Bill of Rights prevents from
ultimate considerable
The first ten Constitutional amendments are known together as _______________________.
The US Constitution has also had _________________ influence outside the country.
It ________ officially ___________ by the 13 states by 1790.
The Constitution ______________ the basic form of government.
The Constitution _____ ______repeatedly ______________ .
The _____________ power under the Constitution is not given to the President or to the Supreme Court.
The US Constitution __________________ to writing in 1787.
The Constitution ________________ any one branch _____________ gaining undue power.
It specifies the ____________________ of each federal branch of government.
The Americans consider they will be the fundamental __________________.
A constitutional amendment can only be carried out if a very substantial majority ________________ it.
Arrange the numbers of the sentences in the right order according to the text.
Task 4
Replace the Russian words and phrases by suitable English equivalents from the text.
The Constitution of the USA________________________________ (была написана) in 1787. It______________________________(была принята) officially by the 13 states by 1790. The Constitution________________________ (определяет) the powers and duties of each federal_______________ (власть) of government.
The Constitution_________ repeatedly___________ (изменялась). A__________________________________ (конституционная поправка) can be carried out if a majority_________________ (одобрит) it.
The US Constitution_____________________ (ограничивает) the role of each branch. It______________________ (предотвращает) any one branch from gaining_________________ (чрезмерный) power. The first ten constitutional______________________ (поправки) are known together as______________________ («Билль о правах»).
Choose and underline the appropriate form of the verb.
The former colonies, now “the United States of America”, first operate / operated under an agreement which has / was called the Articles of Confederation. It is / was soon clear that this agreement among the states did / was not working well. In 1787 delegates from the states meet / met in Philadelphia. They wanted to revised / revise the Articles of Confederation, but they did / done much more than that. They written / wrote a completely new document, the Constitution, which after much argument, debate and compromise was / had finished in the same year and officially adopts / adopted by the 13 states by 1790.
Task 6
Translate the paragraph from Task 5 into Russian.
Task 7
Read the text again and find the answers to the following questions.
Does the USA have a written constitution?
When was the American constitution adopted?
What does the American constitution specify?
Has it been repeatedly amended?
Who does the ultimate power belong to in fact and in spirit?
How are the first ten constitutional amendments known?
Has the Constitution had considerable influence on other nations?
Task 8
Translate the sentences from Russian into English, using the verbs in brackets in Passive.
Американская Конституция была написана (to write) в 1787, а была принята (to adopt) в 1790.
Основная форма правления устанавливается (to set) Конституцией.
Полномочия каждой федеральной ветви власти определяются (to specify) Конституцией.
В Конституцию неоднократно вносились (to amend) поправки.
В соответствии с Конституцией вся полнота власти не принадлежит (to give) ни Президенту, ни Верховному Суду.
Первые десять конституционных поправок известны (to know) под названием «Билль о правах».
Их считают (to consider) основными правами и свободами граждан США.
Task 9
Write what you have learned from the text about:
the US Constitution;
the rights and liberties of the Americans.
Unit 1
Task 1
State System of Russia.”
to set up – учреждать, основывать
rule-of-law – правовой
republican – республиканский
to carry out - осуществлять
to balance – обеспечивать контроль
the Federal Assembly – Федеральное Собрание
the Federation Council – Совет Федерации
the State Duma – Государственная Дума
popular vote – всенародное голосование
local – местный, региональный
the Chairman of the Government – Председатель правительства
action – зд.функция
appointment – вступление в должность
the Constitutional Court – Конституционный Суд
the Supreme Court – Верховный Суд
district court – окружной суд
to chair – председательствовать
to nominate – выдвигать кандидата
post – пост, должность
justice – судья
Prosecutor General – Генеральный Прокурор
the Security Council – Совет Безопасности
to hold the office – занимать пост
ahead of time – раньше времени, внеочередной
to conduct a referendum – проводить референдум
on federal issues – по федеральным вопросам
in the event of – в случае
to be terminated – закончиться
resignation – отставка
impeachment - импичмент
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